Early intervention Services (EIS)/Infant Development services (IDS)/Specialized Instructions
The goal of early intervention is to focus on educating and empowering families on strategies they can use to support needs of young children across five developmental areas-
The goal of early invention is to lessen the effects of a disability or delay by addressing identified needs of young children across five developmental area:
Call your local regional center local educational agency, or family resource center for resource information or a referral to Early Start services.
If you need additional information about how to get Early Start services call (800) 515-BABY or e-mail at earlystart@dds.ca.gov.
If your child qualifies for services you will be working with EIS, PT, OT and ST services depending on what your child qualifies for. We get referrals from Regional Center of East Bay (RCEB) and Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC) for early intervention services.