Promoting Language in the Garden
With the weather warming up, take the fun outside this summer and get in the garden! Check out some fun ways to promote language while gardening with your little one and watch the words blossom!
With the weather warming up, take the fun outside this summer and get in the garden! Check out some fun ways to promote language while gardening with your little one and watch the words blossom!
Happy Summer! Check out our newest Newsletter for Summer fun from out STs, OTs and EIS.
Sleep is important! Here are some tips to creating an environment to promote good sleep hygiene! This is the first of our series sharing how to promote healthy sleep habits with kiddos created by our very own OT: Izabela Liro OTR/L. If you have any questions regarding your kiddo’s sleep, reach out to your OT at your next appointment!
Grab your rubber ducky and your towel, it’s bath time! Don’t forget to bring your language strategies! Bath time is a great opportunity to promote language growth and development. Try out these fun tips for your kiddo’s next time in the tub.
May is here and it’s Better Speech and Hearing month! Check out our newsletter for speech and occupational therapy tips! May 2023 Newsletter
Grab your basket and fill it with laundry…and Language! Here’s some fun ideas to work on language goals with your kiddos!
April is Occupational Therapy Month. Check out our newsletter to learn more about what OT can do for your kiddo!
Make the most of the time in the car with your kiddo by checking out these tips to incorporate language goals on the road!
The kitchen can be filled with great good and fun memories. Here are some tips to adding more language in your kitchen with your kiddo!